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Congestive Heart Failure
Myocardial Infarction
Why are Tissue Engineered Cardiac Muscle Replacements Needed?
Aims and Goals of Tissue Engineered Cardiac Muscle Replacements
Strategies to Construct Tissue Engineered Cardiac Muscle Replacements
Strategy #1: Synthetic or Biological Matrices
Strategy #2: Soluble Matrices
Strategy #3: Layered Cell Sheets
Cell Sources
Limitations and Future Directions
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Article References:
Kofidis T, et al. In vitro engineering of heart muscle: Artificial myocardial tissue. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2002; 124(1):63-69.
Leor J and Cohen S. Myocardial Tissue Engineering: Creating a Muscle Patch for a Wounded Heart. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci . 2004; 1015:312-319.
Leor, et al. Cells, scaffolds, and molecules for myocardial tissue engineering. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2005; 105: 151-163.
Shimizu, et al. Long-Term Survival and Growth of Pulsatile Myocardial Tissue Grafts Engineered by the Layering of Cardiomyocyte Sheets. Tissue Engineering 2006; 12(3):499-507.
Zammaretti P and Jaconi M. Cardiac Tissue Engineering: Regeneration of the Wounded Heart. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004; 15:430-434.
Zimmermann WH and Eschenhagen T. Cardiac Tissue Engineering for Replacement Therapy. Heart Failure Reviews 2003; 8: 259-269.
Zimmermann WH, et al. Engineered heart tissue for regeneration of diseased hearts. Biomaterials 2004; 25:1639-1647.
Zimmermann WH, et al. Heart Muscle Engineering: An update on cardiac muscle replacement therapy. Cardiovascular Research 2006 Apr 7 (epub)
Website References:
Myocardial Infarctions
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