Histological and immunohistochemical staining for HE, insulin and TUNEL in grafts from STZ-induced diabetic mice transplanted with chambers containing Gelitaspon + NGF + islets or Gelitaspon + islets. Grafts from the Gelitaspon + NGF + islets group stained for HE (a) and insulin (b). Islets are located close to the femoral pedicle and stain intensely for insulin. Graft from the Gelitaspon + NGF + islet group stained for HE (c), insulin (e) and TUNEL (g). Islet shows intense staining for insulin and is negative for TUNEL;. Graft from the Gelitaspon + islet group stained for HE (d), insulin (f) and TUNEL (h). Islet shows a reduced staining for insulin and is negative for TUNEL. at = Adipose tissue; * = islets; fp = femoral pedicle; fn = femoral nerve; a = artery; v = vein.
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