Advanced Technology cont…
thin insulated coiled bundle of wires coved by polyurethance insulation is designed
for the Leads -
The end of each wire is 1.5mm electrodes result
in total of 4 electrodes at the tip of the lead.
Either one of these electode or combination of
them deliver stimulationThere are currently two models of
leads available for Activa:
Model 3387 with 4 electodes with 1.5 mm space in
Model 3389 with 4 electrodes with .5 mm space
The lead is 40 cm long with straight shape
Diameter of the lead is 1.27 mm
4 total electrodes is used
Electrode shape is cylindrical
In both models electrodes are 1.5 m long
4 conductor wires are used
In both design lead is made especially
for the brain stimulation with:
Firm tungsten style which allows the accurate
targeting and placement
The tip is soft to allow passing trough tissues
Bur hole ring and cap is also considered for the
secure anchorage.
Next, Implant prodeure...