High Intensity Focused Ultrasound |
Introduction | Physics | Instrumentation | Medical Applications | References |
http://www.prostate-cancer.org/education/novelthr/Chinn_TransrectalHIFU.html Cited Literature [1] Lynn JG, Zwemer RL, Chick AJ, Miller AG. A new method for the generation and use of focused ultrasound in experimental biology. J Gen Physiol 1942; 26:179–93 [2] Kennedy JE, Ter Haar GR, Cranston D. High intensity focused ultrasound: surgery of the future? Br J Radiol 2003; 76(909):590-9 [3] Shou W, Huang X, Duan S, Xia R, Shi Z, Geng X, Li F. Acoustic power measurement of high intensity focused ultrasound in medicine based on radiation force. Ultrasonics 2006; 44:e17–e20 [4] Liu X, Li J, Gong X, Zhang D. Nonlinear absorption in biological tissue for high intensity focused ultrasound. Ultrasonics 2006; 44: e27–e30 [5] Rewcastle JC. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Prostate Cancer: A Review of the Scientific Foundation, Technology and Clinical Outcomes. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2006; 5(6):619-625 [6] Feng F, Mal A, Kabo M, Wang JC, Bar-Cohen Y. The mechanical and thermal effects of focused ultrasound in a model biological material. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2005; 117(4):2347-2355 [7] Koehrmann KU, Michel MS, Steidler A, Marlinghaus E, Kraut O, Alken P. Technical characterization of an ultrasound source for non-invasive thermoablation by high-intensity focused ultrasound. Br J Urol (Int) 2002; 90:248–52. [8] Bailey MR, Khokhlova VA, Sapozhnikov OA, Kargl SG, Crum LA. Physical mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of ultrasound (a review). Acoustical Physics 2003; 49(4):369-388 |
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