OCT is the most developed optical imaging technique. It has yet to be used in surgery. One potential application for OCT in surgery is in tumor resections. One of the most difficult aspects of these surgeries is to correctl identify a tumor and ensure that the entire tumor has been removed during the surgical procedure. The primary limitation of OCT is its lack of ability to image very deep. During surgery, this is not an issue when the tumor is exposed. Rather then using ultrasound alone ot identify a tumor, OCT could be used to identify (and biopsy for that matter) the tumor, then ensure that the entire tumor has been removed. This would prevent having to cut out extra normal tissue, but would also prevent leaving any piece of tumor in the patient which could quickly re-grow.
DOT and other techniques may also have application in surgery, although they are not clear at this point. DOT is useful for acquiring metabolic and functional information, but creating a system that is applicable to the OR is difficult. This is primarily due to the requirement that fiber optic probes be in contact with the object being imaged and that these probes be coplanar axially with the region of interest. This isn't very compatible with an open surgery, but perhaps could be used for non-invasive surgeries.
Other imaging techniques are limited only by the creativity of those developing and using them. Hence, there will be many new ideas and techniques in the future.