Future of Ultrasound


Screening Ultrasound
3D Ultrasound
Doppler Ultrasound
Future of Ultrasound


As with other computer technology, ultrasound machines will most likely get faster and have more memory for storing data. Transducer probes may get smaller, and more insertable probes will be developed to get better images of internal organs. Most likely, 3D ultrasound will be more highly developed and become more popular. The entire ultrasound machine will probably get smaller, perhaps even hand-held for use in the field (e.g. paramedics, battlefield triage). One exciting new area of research is the development of ultrasound imaging combined with heads-up/virtual reality-type displays that will allow a doctor to "see" inside you as he/she is performing a minimally invasive or non-invasive procedure such as amniocentesis or biopsy.



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This site was last updated 05/31/07