Liver Assist Devices
for treatment of liver failure
Further Development
The development of bioartificial liver assist devices has offered promising clinical outcomes. However, the current devices have made little impact on improving patient survival. The function of the liver is very difficult to replace and current approaches are limited by factors such as the cell source, total liver cell mass, mass exchange efficiency, and the total flow rates of the entire system. A highly functional, and reliable cell source still must be found. Currently, human primary hepatocytes are in short supply and hepatoblastoma based cells such as the ones found in the ELAD device show limited metabolic function. Porcine hepatocytes carry the risk of infection from zoonoses. Stem cells may be able to offer a reliable, highly metabolically active cell source in the future. Total cell mass is another issue that must be addressed in future liver assist devices. Current cell masses used in bioartificial livers of 50–500g are not sufficient for proper liver function. Transplantation studies have shown that a minimum cell mass of about 40% of the patient’s ideal liver mass (approximately 1500 g) is necessary to assure proper function. Improvements to the current devices will need to address these issues in order to increase effectiveness.
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