The DNA Microarray:Approaching Personalized Medicine |
What is a DNA-microarray? Fabrication Gene Expression Profiling
Below outlines the use of a cDNA-microarray for gene expression profiling.
Oligonucleotides microarrays follow a similar process, however no control sample is used. Instead of a relative value, a well defined, arbitrary value is produced.
There are two basic approaches to analyzing gene expression data. Supervised - For supervised data analysis, genes are fit into a predetermined pattern usually based on correlating gene expression to clinical data. Measurements are separated into two groups for analysis. The first group is the 'learning group' or 'training group' at which time the patterns are recognized. The second group is then used to confirm the pattern by predicting the subpopulation grouping based on the previously learned pattern. Unsupervised - For this type of analysis, there is no 'learning group.' Samples are grouped based solely on the similarity of their gene expression profile. With this technique, new subgroups are often discovered.
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