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BME 240-Spring 2009


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bispectral index

The BIS Index is a processed EEG parameter with extensive validation and demonstrated clinical utility. It is derived utilizing a composite of measures from EEG signal processing techniques including bispectral analysis, power spectral analysis, and time domain analysis. These measures were combined via an algorithm to optimize the correlation between the EEG and the clinical effects of anesthesia, and quantified using the BIS Index range.

At the core of brain monitoring technology is the surface electroencephalogram (EEG). This complex physiologic signal is a waveform that represents the sum of all brain activity produced by the cerebral cortex. The normal waveform is notable for two characteristics:
• Small amplitude (20-200 microvolts)
• Variable frequency (0-50 Hz)

figure 1
Figure 1: Complex EEG waveform – Waveform is typically analyzed using measuresof waveform amplitude (microvolts) andfrequency (cycles/second – Hz).

It has been known for decades that the EEG changes in response to the effects of anesthetic and sedative/hypnotic agents. Although individual drugs can induce some unique effects on the EEG, the overall pattern of changes is quite similar for many of these agents. As seen in Figure 2, during general anesthesia, typical EEG changes include:
• An increase in average amplitude (power)
• A decrease in average frequency


figure 2
Figure 2: General pattern of EEG changes observed during increasing doses of anesthesia – As anesthetic effect increases, EEG frequency typically slows resulting in transition through frequency-based classes: Beta -> Alpha -> Theta -> Delta.

The complex EEG waveform can be broken down into its individual components. This data can then be analyzed using a technique called power spectral analysis and displayed as power per frequency component in a “power spectrum” (Figure 3). Power spectral analysis can result in one or more numeric descriptors known as processed EEG parameters. Processed EEG parameters that have been investigated as indicators of anesthetic effects include:
• 95% spectral edge frequency
• Median frequency
• Relative delta power

figure 3
Figure 3: Power spectrum display and analysis of a typical EEG segment – Classic frequency bands are defined by frequency limits, and shaded in different colors for illustration. Power spectral analysis calculates the Median Frequency and 95% Spectral Edge Frequency values based upon the distribution of power. Relative Delta Power would calculate the power contained in the delta band (yellow) compared to the entire spectrum.

These parameters are various characteristics that describe the EEG power spectrum. Median frequency and 95% spectral edge frequency (Figure 3) indicate the spectral frequency below which contains either 50% or 95% of the power in the EEG. Relative delta power describes the percentage of EEG power in the delta band range (0.5-3.5 Hz) relative to the power over the entire EEG frequency spectrum. Unfortunately, for most anesthetic drugs, the relationship between dosage and changes in EEG power and frequency is not straightforward, so it has been difficult to use traditional processed EEG parameters in a clinically reliable way.

The BIS Index is a numerical processed, clinically-validated EEG parameter. Unlike traditional processed EEG parameters derived from power spectral analysis, the BIS Index is derived utilizing a composite of multiple advanced EEG signal processing techniques – including bispectral analysis, power spectral analysis, and time domain analysis. These components were combined to optimize the correlation between the EEG and the clinical effects of anesthesia.
There are three key elements integral to the BIS technology in monitoring brain status during anesthesia:

• Bispectral Analysis
• BIS Algorithm
• BIS Index

Bispectral Analysis
A portion of the cortical EEG reflects changes attributable to harmonic and phase relationships between cortical and subcortical neural generators. These relationships are altered during hypnosis, producing characteristic patterns in the EEG.

Bispectral analysis – and its results, e.g., bicoherence, bispectrum, real triple product – is a sophisticated signal processing methodology that assesses relationships among signal components and captures synchronization within signals like the EEG. By quantifying the correlation between all the frequencies within the signal, bispectral analysis (together with power spectral and cortical EEG analysis) yields an additional EEG descriptor of brain activity during hypnosis.

Multivariate statistical models were used to derive the optimum  combination of these EEG features to correlate with clinical endpoints of sedation. From this iterative process, the BIS algorithm that would yield a clinically-tuned, valid processed EEG parameter was developed.

figure 4
Figure 5: Schematic diagram of signal processing paths integral to generating a single BIS Index value – Original EEG epochs (following digitization and artifact processing) undergo three primary paths of analysis – Power Spectral Analysis, Bispectral Analysis, and Time-Based Analysis for Suppression/Near-Suppression – to look for key EEG features.The BIS Algorithm, based upon statistical modeling, combines the contribution of each of the identified features to generate the scaled BIS Index.

The BIS Index is a number between 0 and 100 scaled to correlate with important clinical endpoints during administration of anesthetic agent (Figure 6). BIS values near 100 represent an “awake” clinical state while 0 denotes the maximal EEG effect possible (i.e., an isoelectric EEG). As the BIS Index value decreases below 70, the probability of explicit recall decreases dramatically. At a BIS Index value of less than 60, a patient has an extremely low probability of consciousness. BIS Index values lower than 40 signify a greater effect of the anesthetic on the EEG. At low BIS values, the degree of EEG suppression is the primary determinant of the BIS value. Prospective clinical trials have demonstrated that maintaining BIS Index values in the range of 40-60 ensures adequate hypnotic effect during general anesthesia while improving the recovery process. During sedation care, BIS Index values > 70 may be observed during adequate levels of sedation but may have a greater probability of consciousness and potential for recall. The BIS Index provides a direct measurement of brain status, not the concentration of a particular drug. For example, BIS Index values decrease during natural sleep as well as during administration of an anesthetic agent. The decrease produced during the natural process of sleep, however, is not to the degree caused by high doses of propofol, thiopental or volatile anesthetics. The BIS Index values reflect the reduced cerebral metabolic rate produced by most hypnotics. Using positron emission tomography, a significant correlation between BIS Index values and reduction in whole brain metabolic activity was measured (Figure 7).

figure 6
Figure 6: BIS Index range guidelines – The BIS Index is a scale from 100 (Awake, responsive to normal voice) to 0 (Representing an isoelectric, flat line EEG).The illustration includes important clinical or EEG milestones that are observed between these two ends of the scale range.

fiture 7Figure 7: Correlation of BIS with brain metabolic activity – Significant correlation is seen between decreasing brain metabolic rate (%BMR = percent of initial whole-brain glucose metabolism measured from PET scan) and increasing anesthetic effect (as measured by decreasing BIS value).