The Nervous System has three overlapping functions:

*      Sensory receptors monitor changes inside and outside the body
                     §   Change – a stimulus
                     §   Gathered information – sensory input
*      CNS Processes and interprets sensory input
                      §   Makes decisions – integration
*      Dictates a response by activating effector organs
                      §   Response – motor output
*      Cells are densely packed and intertwined  and has two main cell types
                      §    Neurons – transmit electrical signals
                      §    Support cells (neuroglial cells) – non-excitable, surround & wrap neurons

Ø      basic structural unit of the nervous system
Ø      conduct electrical impulses along the plasma membrane – graded and action potential.
Ø      can live and function for a lifetime
Ø    does not divide – fetal neurons lose their ability to undergo mitosis; neural stem cells are an exception
Ø      high metabolic rate – require abundant oxygen and glucose

Axons (nerve fibers)

         Neuron has only one axon, but it can branch
         Impulse generator and conductor
         Transmits action potentials away from the cell body
         Chromatophilic bodies absent
         No protein synthesis in axon

Neurofilaments, actin microfilaments, and microtubules
         Provide strength along length of axon
         Aid in the transport of substances to and from the cell body
         Axonal transport

         Extensively branching from the cell body
         Transmit electrical signals (graded potentials) toward the cell body
         Chromatophilic bodies – only extend into the basal part of dendrites
Function as receptive sites