Oxygen-carrying artificial blood solutions have been sought
for over a century. There have been continuous studies to develop a safe
intravenous acellular oxygen-carrying solution that would mimic the function
of red blood cell (RBC) in supplying oxygen to the tissues.
Today, there are approximately 4 million patients in the U.S., and about
8 million patients worldwide each year, expecting to receive two or more
units of blood during cardiovascular, orthopedic, urologic, and general
surgical procedures. Although the blood donations are increasing yearly
in the U.S., it is not sufficient to meet the increasing demand as an aging
population requires more operations that involve blood transfusion. In addition,
allogeneic blood transfusions often bear risk factors and disadvantages
such as infectious transmission posed by blood-born pathogens, increased
mortality or morbidity from postoperative wound infections, short shelf-life
of stored blood, and immunosuppressive effects that may follow blood transfusion.
In an attempt to relieve these complications and to sufficiently supply
the demand, artificial blood has been developed as a substitute for red
blood cells, for the sole purpose of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide
throughout the body. Depending on the type of artificial blood, it can be
produced in different ways using synthetic production, chemical isolation,
or recombinant biochemical technology.