
By Gelareh Eslamian

The largest joint in the body is tibiofemoral joint, which is more commonly known as knee joint. It is very susceptible to wear and tear and various types of injuries as compared to any other articulation in the human body. Any severe injury to the knee would incapacitate a person, leaving him/her physically immobile. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, there are about 400,000 knee replacement surgeries performed every year.
This study, thus, aims at understanding the significance of the knee implant through a systematic research of its anatomy, the injury mechanisms, the components that form the knee joint and, in the process, understand the implications of surgery and rehabilitation on the knee joint. This study further focuses on the remedies available in case of a knee injury by exploring various options such as the knee replacement surgery and attempts at exploring the answers to such basic questions as, when is it done ?, the types of materials used and the surgical procedures involved. At the end, some of the innovations in this field have been presented. To get more information regarding each point, refer to the reference page.


Created by Gelareh Eslamian
University of California, Irvine
BME 240
Spring 2010