Future Scope

The greatest advantage of the enzymtic biofuel cells is that it can be implanted in the body to power several different kind of microdevices without worrying about sourcing the power. This has been one of the biggest challenge in the progress of minituarized imlantable devices. With the current pace of technology, it is strongly believed that these biofuel cells will be able to cater to the following needs:

1. Drug Deliver devices

Implantable drug delivery devices can make use of Glucose readily available in the body to release drugs in a controlled profile thereby making the drugs more effective

2. Powering micro-robotic devices

There has been a lot of fascination and work on placing miniaturized robots in the body to sort and fix different diseased tissues. However the major impediment to its progress has been the lack a totally mobile biologically safe and replenishable power source to drive it. This possibility could allow a whole new domain of therapeutics and make gene therapy a more feasible task in the near future.


Figure 6. A schematic of an implantable Drug Delivery device


Figure 7. An artist' rendition of a cell repair microrobot