Integrin Mediated
Integrins are heterodymeric proteins composed
of a and ß subunits responsible
for adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and are very
involved in a host of signaling pathways. There exists a wide variety of
specific a and ß subunits, with
each combination binding to specific amino acid sequences present in the
ECM. Commonly expressed integrins include a5ß1 and avß3,which bind to amino acid
sequencs in fibronectin and vitronectin respectively. Structurally, the
a subunit is composed of two
polypeptide chains linked via a disulfide linkage. The ß subunit on the
other hand is composed of a single polypeptide chain. The entire
heterodymeric complex is itself complexed to divalent cations, without
which binding ability is severly compromised. Integrins provide a direct
connection between the actin cytoskeleton and ECM forming focal
adhesions. Integins are bound to the actin cytoskeleton through at least
four known proteins, one of the most important being Talin, which plays
an early role in reinforcing focal adhesions under stress. Integrins
play crucial roles in many “outside-in” and “inside-out” signaling
cascades. Signaling cascades in general are very complex and not
completely understood, but here we shall introduce a few of the players.
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a protein tryrosine kinase activated by
integrin ligation and has been shown to play a vital role in
mechanosensing. Rac is a downstream GTPase target of FAK that
plays a role in reoganization of the actin cytoskeleton into an
isotropic network. Rho another small GTPase is downregulated upon FAK
activation and is responsible for organizing the actin cytoskeleton into
stress fibers. Rho and rac behave antagonistically with regard to actin
organization. A schematic of this cascade is shown here.1
It is instructive to consider a parallel
binding model (shown left) in the case of focal adhesion
mechanotransduction. A collection of integrins are bound to the ECM in a
parallel manner, such that when a force is applied to the surface of the
cell, the said force is shared equally between each integrin attachment.
This is the case when the ECM is considered a soft spring, in the
opposite limit of a stiff spring cooperativity is lost. Integrin-ECM
associations are assumed to rupture as a function of applied force with
a rate of k = k0eF/iFb, where
k0 is the unstressed dissociation rate, F is the applied
force and Fb is the force scale (typically pN). The factor i
is introduced as a result of cooperativity. Once dissociated, the bonds
can reform at a rate of kon. This leads to:
Where N is the mean number of bound
receptors, t is dimensionless time
(t=k0t), f is
dimensionless force (F/Fb), ? is
dimensionless rebinding rate (?=kon/k0) and Nt is
the cluster size. This equation essentially states that the rate of
change in the number of closed bonds is given by the difference of the
number of bonds forming and the number of bonds rupturing due to an
applied force. Applied forces destablize the cluster, which is
restablized by rebinding. By setting dN/dt=0 we can find the critical
force fc, below which there is net binding and above which
there net dissociation:
Where plog(a) is defined as the solution of
xex=a. This implies that focal adhesions regulated close to
fc would provide fine control in dynamic mechanical loading,
as increased forces would result in a net loss of integrin
signaling and decreased forces would result in a net
This model can be extended by viewing the
actin-integrin complex as elastic along with the ECM ligands (shown
above), each with an associated spring constant ki
and ke respectively. A receptor ligand complex could
then be represented by two springs in series. Tension is generated in
the actin stress fibers via the molecular motor myosin,
thus ki is much stiffer than ke, and the
complex has roughly the stiffness of the softer spring (1/k = 1/ki + 1/ke), in
this case the ECM. The force generated by the actin-myosin cross-bridge
can be modeled using a linearized force velocity relationship:
Where v0~10 µm/s and Fs
is the stall force. As the myosin-actin-integrin complex pulls on the
ECM, elastic energy is strored in the receptor ligand complex
W=F2/2k. Therefore, the stiffer the spring complex, (ECM) the
less work must be done to mechanical store energy in the receptor-ligand
complex. Taking the derrivative with respect to time gives the
relationship for power, using the linearized force velocity eqaution
above gives:
This can be integrated to yield:
Thus, individual receptor-ligand complexes
can generate pN forces on millisecond time scales (typical time scale is
tk) given typical parameters. Thus, individual
receptor-ligand complexes and focal adhesions on the whole can be
modeled and the force required to rupture is given by:1
Thus, as shear stress is increased, there is
an increasing force applied to the focal adhesions required to keep the
endothelial cell from being swept away. This influences integrin-ECM
binding in the manner described above, leading to the signaling cascade,
which regulates cell function.
Ulrich S. Schwarz, Thorsten Erdmann and Ilka B. Bischofs. "Focal
ashesions as mechanosensors: The two-spring model." BioSystems 83 (2006)